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What are some best practices for storing and handling PVC foam board to ensure its longevity?

Publish Time: 2023-05-23     Origin:


PVC foam board is a versatile material that is widely used in various industries such as advertising, construction, and manufacturing. It is a lightweight and durable material that can withstand harsh weather conditions. However, to ensure its longevity, proper storage and handling is crucial. In this blog post, we will discuss some best practices for storing and handling PVC foam board.

Best Practices for Storing PVC Foam Board:

1. Store in a Dry and Cool Place:

PVC foam board should be stored in a dry and cool place to prevent moisture from affecting its properties. Moisture can cause the board to expand or warp, which can lead to cracks and other damages. Therefore, it is important to store the board in a place where the temperature is controlled and humidity is low.

2. Keep Away from Direct Sunlight:

Direct sunlight can cause the PVC foam board to fade or discolor over time. Therefore, it is important to store the board away from direct sunlight. If you need to store the board outside, make sure to cover it with a tarp or other protective covering.

3. Store Flat:

PVC foam board should be stored flat to prevent warping or bending. If the board is stored on its side or in a vertical position, it can bend or warp due to its own weight. Therefore, it is important to store the board flat on a level surface.

4. Avoid Stacking:

Stacking PVC foam board can cause damage to the bottom boards due to the weight of the boards on top. Therefore, it is important to avoid stacking the boards. If you need to stack them, make sure to use spacers between each board to distribute the weight evenly.

Best Practices for Handling PVC Foam Board:

1. Wear Protective Gear:

When handling PVC foam board, it is important to wear protective gear such as gloves and eye protection. This will protect you from any sharp edges or debris that may be present on the board.

2. Use Proper Cutting Tools:

PVC foam board can be cut using a variety of tools such as a saw, knife, or router. However, it is important to use the proper cutting tool for the job. Using the wrong tool can cause damage to the board or create rough edges.

3. Cut in a Well-Ventilated Area:

When cutting PVC foam board, it is important to do it in a well-ventilated area to prevent inhaling any dust or debris. This can cause respiratory problems or other health issues.

4. Handle with Care:

PVC foam board is a delicate material that can be easily damaged if not handled with care. When moving or transporting the board, make sure to support it evenly and avoid bending or twisting it.


Proper storage and handling of PVC foam board is crucial to ensure its longevity. By following the best practices discussed in this blog post, you can protect your PVC foam board from damage and extend its lifespan. As a professional plastic sheets manufacturer, Jinbao Plastic offers quality PVC foam boards that are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and provide long-lasting durability. If you are interested to get PVC foam boards, feel free to contact us now~

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